Etkon CadCam by Straumann

State of the Art in Dental Technology                                 

In November of 2005, Broadway Dental, Inc. became the second dental laboratory in the country to purchase the ES1 Laser scanner from Etkon USA.  After extensive in-house training, we began production in December and have continued to increase our workflow everyday.

The Etkon systems three main components are laser scanning technology, software and production technology.


Laser-Scanning Technology

The es1 scans 28,000 points per second for incomparable accuracy.  Employing 3-D laser scanning, it not only scans the prepared die, but is also capable of recording the adjacent teeth and bite registrations to use as the opposing dentition.


Etkon Visual Software

The software has automatic margin recognition which enables rapid fabrication of crown and bridge frameworks and also provides the ability to set individual parameters, such as a cement gap spacer and coping wall thickness.


Production Technology 

After scanning in the lab, the files are sent via the internet to the centralized milling facility in Arlington, Texas.  Using high-tech materials, the Etkon milling center employs Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) to mill the crown and bridge substructures absolutely stress free from a solid block of raw material.